Healthy food usually tastes terrible. Unhealthy processed food is scientifically engineered to be hyperpalatable, which means food scientists figured out how to make it taste so good that we keep eating it after we are full.  It's no wonder you reach for the chips instead of the carrot sticks. 

The key to sustainable weight loss is to enjoy the process.  You can do that while eating deliciously.  You can use your taste buds and a calculator until you come up with your own personalized healthy and delicious meals. Determine your favorite flavors, and add those seasonings to your healthy food, in a delicious combination.

For examples, we'll take two of the blandest meals in all of the diet world and make them amazing.  Breakfast of egg whites and a dinner of fish and broccoli. 

Egg whites are extraordinarily bland. If you have a sweet spot for spicy food, you can add salsa for an additional 5 calories and a tablespoon of cheese for 60 calories. Pair that with a decadent cup of homemade coffee at 90 calories for a 200 calorie breakfast that is so delicious it makes the eyes roll back in your head/

If you don't feel satisfied with this and need to bulk it with carbs, add a slice of regular or rye toast for a still under 300 calorie breakfast.

Can't handle dry toast? Put butter on the toast for a 370 calorie breakfast.

What if you crave that bagel taste? Grill the bread instead of toasting, (for extra crunch and chewiness) then add whipped cream cheese on the toast and sprinkle Everything But the Bagel seasoning on it.  Now you have that sweet decadent coffee, delicious bagel taste, and a Mexican style egg dish for 310 calories.

As you can see, "egg whites for breakfast" can be AMAZING! These breakfast combinations taste indulgent but is quite calorie friendly and easily adjustable for your calorie allotment.

But let's say you DON'T like spicy in the morning. Switch salsa for ham. Three slices are 60 calories, which takes the meal above to 255, 325, 395, 365 calories respectively (egg whites with rich coffee drink, add a slice of toast, toast with butter, toast with whipped cream cheese and Everything But the Bagel Seasoning, respectively. What if you are lactose intolerant, or dislike cheese, and don't like spicy food? Swap the cheese for scallions (green onions).

Now for that fish and broccoli dinner.  If you like Chinese food, you can make an amazing Broccoli Shrimp. Sesame oil at 150 calories, Soy Sauce at 0 calories, a tsp of corn starch at 10 calories, five cloves of minced garlic at 22 calories, the white part of few scallions (green onions) at 5 calories, a dozen shrimp at 85 calories, 1 cup of broccoli for 31 calories for a total of 303 calories. You can eat that by itself or pair it with 1/2 cup of rice for an additional 115 calories, or with a cup of rice noodles for an additional 192 calories. Again, this is easily adjustable at 303, 418, or 495 calories, depending on your preference and calorie allotment.

As you an see, "fish and broccoli" can be AMAZING!

The key is to determine what you like to taste, then find a way to taste that flavor in a low calorie and satisfying way.

Get more practical weight loss tips, tools and gadgets that make losing weight easier and tastier at The Iron Pan.  

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